RS Sailing is the world's largest small-sailboat manufacturer. They are an international designer, builder and supplier of sailboats and dinghies and associated goods and services….and in 2019 they are working with Sea-Changers to support the work we do to raise money for marine conservation.
RS Sailing have long been a company that is keen to ensure the sustainability of their boats. As part of this they have already implemented a Sustainability Programme – analysing, improving and publicising recyclable aspects of their boats, recyclable packaging, clean energy sources, almost paperless office functions, operations and waste recycling. So when Sea-Changers started talking to RS Sailing about the potential of working together to find ways to raise money for marine conservation RS sailing were open and responsive.
Helen Webb, Sea-Changer’s co-founder said ‘Over the past twelve months the interest in our approach to enabling marine conservation has really taken off, with the public and businesses realising that they all have a part to play in the solutions to the ocean’s problems. Our unique model of funding a wide range of grass roots projects enables people and communities all around the UK to mobilise and take action. This is also of particular interest and relevance to sailing/yacht clubs and classes amongst whom we aim to extend our reach this year. We’re really excited to be working with RS Sailing who have a real passion for exploring how the sailing community can play their part in protecting and conserving the marine environment. They are keen to develop ways in which they can support our work by engaging the communities they work with.’
The relationship between RS Sailing and Sea-Changers is just starting so you will hear more about how we are going to work together over the coming months in this very Blog; so, keep following!
